Federal Court of Justice

Allocation of Jurisdiction

The composition of the panels and the judicial duties allocated to the individual panels are laid down in the annual Schedule of Jurisdiction adopted before the beginning of each business year by the Federal Court of Justice's Presiding Committee which consists of the President and ten judges elected by all the judges of the Court. The complete Schedule of Jurisdiction, also published annually in an annex to the Federal Gazette, is at present basically structured as follows:

Civil cases

In civil cases, responsibilities are allocated according to fields of law. The civil panels are currently assigned the following fields of law:

PanelField of law
First Civil Panelcopyright, protection of intellectual property rights, transport law, brokerage law
Second Civil Panelcorporate law, law of associations
Third Civil Panelstate and notaries’ liability, mandate law, law on foundations and endowments, agency without specific authorisation
Fourth Civil Panelinheritance law, insurance contract law
Fifth Civil Panelreal property law, matters of deprivation of liberty
Sixth Civil Panellaw of torts, product liability, medical liability
Sixth A Civil Panel
(auxiliary panel)
claims for damages in tort concerning so called "diesel-cases"
Seventh Civil Panelconstruction and architectural law, law of compulsory enforcement
Eighth Civil Panellaw on the sale of goods, landlord and tenancy law
Ninth Civil Panelinsolvency law, lawyers’ liability
Tenth Civil Panelpatent law, tourist travel law, law of donations
Eleventh Civil Panelbanking law, capitalmarket law
Twelvth Civil Panelfamily law, commercial tenancy law

Criminal cases

In criminal cases, allocation of responsibilities is primarily governed by locational criteria. Each panel is assigned appeals in criminal cases from specific higher regional court circuits. Irrespective of this, the following panels are also allocated special fields of law:

PanelField of law
First Criminal Paneltax and customs offences, military criminal cases, national defence transgressions
Third Criminal Panelcrimes against the state
Fourth Criminal Panelroad traffic cases